Pathways Centre for Education is committed to the safety and well being of our students and staff. As per Government Regulations and recommendations from the College of Psychologists for reopening (COVID-19 Operational Requirements: Health Sector Restart / Directive #2 from Chief Medical Officer of Health), we will be adhering to the following procedures:
Maintaining social distancing of at least 2 metres (approximately 2 arms lengths) from others, as much as possible
Providing workers ample opportunities to keep their hands clean, for example by providing hand sanitizer throughout the school
Providing workers with the required personal protective equipment
Ensuring workers are using all required personal protective equipment appropriately
Scheduling student and staff breaks at different times to avoid large groups
Staggered entry for all appointments
Requiring workers to stay home if they are sick
Holding meetings and therapy (as much as possible) in outdoor spaces
All non-essential items have been removed
Common areas and other high-touch surfaces and objects handled by students (e.g., reception counters, chairs and seating areas, door handles, handrails, washroom fixtures, etc.) will be cleaned and disinfected after each use with a hard surface area cleaner approved by Health Canada
Assessment materials or other equipment or items handled by multiple students will be cleaned and disinfected after each use as above
Staff will be encouraged to bring meals from home, rather than going out and returning to the office at lunch or introducing additional individuals to the workplace [i.e., meal delivery services]
Use of common areas will be minimized
Wherever possible, members and staff will refrain from sharing phones, desks, offices and other tools and equipment
There will be no “visitors” in the office until further notice
Screening for anyone entering the school
Physical distancing and barriers (inside and outside the school)
Good ventilation
Frequent cleaning and disinfection of surfaces
Source control masking
Personal protective equipment on all learners/staff without a medical exemption
Please also note that *no* Pathways Centre for Education staff have:
Returned from aboard, including the United States
Have been required to self-isolate for any reason
Live south of Newmarket
Work in any long-term care facilities
Work in any care facilities other than Pathways Centre for Education or provide respite care of the sort
While “visitors” to the school will be limited, we are happy to offer virtual appointments for parent consultations.
We will continue to review recommendations from the Ministry and the Chief Medical Officer of Health and provide updates to our families as appropriate.
Questions and/or comments can be made here.